Getting Started
Journal Analysis
Journal analysis makes it possible to ask questions based on all of your journal entries.
We just launched Mindsera 2.0 on November 11th for all users. The app is designed to be intuitive, but you can also get an overview of updates with images within the app by clicking the Account icon and selecting “New features.”
We’ll update the knowledge base soon. It currently covers Mindsera 1.0.
How to use the journal analysis?
Click on the main menu's sparkle (✨) icon to open the journal analysis.
You can ask a custom question or pick a pre-made question from the drop-down list. Journal analysis uses only entries that have been analyzed (how to analyze an entry?) It doesn’t use entries that are in draft mode for analysing.
You can either analyse based on all entries or choose a specific timeframe, like all entries created in the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 6 months, or 12 months.
Now press 'Enter' or click the arrow icon to start the analysis process. Generating your analysis takes around 30-45 seconds. The responses you receive depend highly on the content of your journal entries and how you phrase the questions.
Under the generated analysis, you can see all the entries related to your question.
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